You are a Badass

My wife (Borat voice) got me a book a while back when I was going through some tumultuous times in my creative life. The problem is that I hate reading. Like really hate it. I hate it almost as much as I hated the feelings of uncertainty I was experiencing. Am I good at what I do? How long can I continue to make money on what I do? Am I creative? Is this all just a giant illusion inside a simulation? The answer is yes to the last one, but I digress.

The Book that was gifted to me is called You are a Badass by Jen Sincero. Jen breaks down her own life and stories of how she got to where she is, her self-doubts and how to overcome them, the Source Energy at the center of the earth, and how to attract what you want in your life and actually achieve what you are setting out to accomplish. This book felt like it was written for me. So many anecdotes that I could apply to my own life. It wasn’t one of those books by a billionaire who started off with a giant loan from their parents, but someone who decided to say screw it, I’m going to India next week, and have the time of their life. It was written off of real-life experiences, and that is what I needed to hear.

If you are doubting your skills, or experience self-doubt like I do, this book is also written directly for you!